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Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Why I Didn’t Do Chemo
Fighting Cancer Without Chemotherapy: 8 Alternatives to Chemo and Radiation
August 16, 2018
Chemotherapy and radiation might be the most common way to target and treat cancer, but it’s not the only option. With many patients and physicians taking a closer look at the negative effects of both treatments — some of which are believed to be worse than cancer itself — alternatives to chemo and radiation are becoming more and more mainstream, making fighting cancer without chemotherapy possible for some.
We share eight alternatives that are considered effective in treating
cancer without the help of chemotherapy and radiation.
Perhaps one of the most common alternatives to chemo and radiation,
immunotherapy helps train the body’s immune system to fight certain
diseases, including cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, the
alternative treatment works by “stimulating your own immune system to work
harder or smarter to attack cancer cells” through immune system proteins.
There are a few different types of immunotherapy treatments — and others
currently being studied — that work to treat cancer in a few different
ways. Some of the treatments focus on boosting the immune system overall
while others train it to recognize and attack cancer cells.
Gerson Therapy and juicing
Some experts believe you can get rid of cancer naturally through diet —
and, in some cases, they are correct. For over 90 years, Dr. Max Gerson’s
“Gerson Therapy” has remained one of the most effective alternatives to
chemo and radiation and has helped hundreds of patients heal naturally.
Gerson Therapy calls for a massive diet change where patients can only
consume organic vegetables, fruits, and sprouted ancient grains. Also, it
asks patients to take certain supplements, perform coffee enemas, drink
raw juice, and eat beef liver, as it is one of the most nutritious foods
on the planet and contains high traces of vitamin B-12.
According to the Gerson Institute, the overall goal of the therapy and
diet is to activate “the body’s extraordinary ability to heal itself
through an organic, plant-based diet, raw juices, coffee enemas, and
natural supplements.”
Proteolytic Enzyme Therapy
Dr. Max Gerson wasn’t the only doctor to take a deep dive into the power
of plant-based. In 1906, a man by the name of John Beard came up with the
idea that pancreatic enzymes can serve as the body’s biggest protector
against cancer. Nicholas J. Gonzalez, MD later studied this proclamation
and found to have some success.
As it turns out, one of the suspected causes of cancer is the body’s
autonomic nervous system, which consists of two separate nervous systems
called sympathetic (fight or flight) and autonomic (rest and digest). The
goal in Gonzalez’s work is to balance both systems through a vegetarian
diet, as it can suppress the sympathetic system.
In addition to a diet change, the therapy focuses its efforts on reducing
inflammation through proteolytic enzymes. Physicians that use this
treatment recommend five grams of enzymes three times daily.
Many of the natural alternatives to chemo and radiation take a closer look
at diet — and for a good reason. While it is best to change your diet
under a physician’s watch, it doesn’t hurt to add cancer-fighting
ingredients and cut out things like processed foods and an abundance of
Some foods to consider are:
- Fruits and vegetables: These are the stars of many cancer diets and therapies as they contain an abundance of healthy vitamins and minerals that can help combat cancer. Some of the most beneficial fruits and vegetables include garlic, onions, tomato, and grapes.
- Turmeric: According to the Mayo Clinic, the curcumin found in turmeric “may help prevent or treat cancer.” That’s because curcumin has antioxidant properties that help to subside inflammation and swelling.
- Green tea: Like turmeric, green tea is high in antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation and swelling. Also, some studies show that the epigallocatechin-3 gallate — a non-toxic chemical abundant in green tea — can put up a defense against the urokinase enzyme that causes cancer growth.
High-dose vitamin C
It’s no secret that vitamin C does the body good — but can it cure cancer?
According to some reports, maybe. Researchers have found that high-dose
vitamin C treatments can prolong the life of cancer patients and even help
reduce certain symptoms. This type of treatment is often used by holistic
cancer doctors — and proven successful — but has not gone through proper
clinical trials to back that up on a conventional level.
Frankincense Essential Oil Therapy
Essential oils might also be beneficial for fighting cancer without
chemotherapy. German biochemist, Dr. Johanna Budwig believed frankincense
essential oil was a powerful tool in fighting off cancer, specifically
brain cancer. As it turns out, he might have been right.
Modern research trials show that Indian Frankincense might work as a
natural alternative to chemo and radiation for brain, colon, breast,
pancreatic, stomach, and prostate cancer. Researchers at Baylor University
Medical Center in Dallas believe the reason is that frankincense can
promote healing by influencing the genes.
Frankincense essential oil therapy requires an application of the oil on
the neck three times a day. Also, it asks patients to consume a mixture of
frankincense essential oil and water (three drops oil to eight ounces of
water) three times a day.
Oxygen Therapy and Hyperbaric Chambers
Another common alternative to chemo and radiation is oxygen therapy and
hyperbaric chambers. According to the Mayo Clinic, this type of treatment
is linked to many different ailments and diseases, including AIDS/HIV,
Alzheimer’s disease, Bell’s palsy, and Fibromyalgia. But, perhaps one of
its most impressive abilities is the way it targets cancer.
According to Dr. Otto Warburg, the cause of cancer is oxygen deficiency,
as it creates an acidic environment in the body, which causes cancer to
thrive. Also, he believed that cancer cells can’t breathe oxygen and
therefore don’t survive in a more alkaline state. Through that idea,
oxygen therapy and hyperbaric chambers might be able to cure cancer
without harsher treatments.
Since hyperbaric oxygen chambers have an air pressure level 2.5 times
higher than average atmospheric pressure, the chamber forces the body to
hold more oxygens. As a result, the blood delivers higher levels of oxygen
to organs and tissues, which can have a damaging effect on cancer cells.
While this type of treatment is believed to have promising effects on
cancer patients, it’s not considered conventional yet. However, some
hospitals are looking further into its ability to fight cancer and even
purchased some chambers.
Integrative Medicine
Some cancer patients — and physicians — believe chemotherapy and radiation
are worse than cancer itself. And while that might be true, it doesn’t
take away from the success rate of both cancer treatments. However, with
alternative and holistic treatments becoming more mainstream, doctors and
holistic healers have worked together to create a balanced treatment plan
known as Integrative Medicine.
According to Oasis of Hope Hospital, Integrative Medicine “combines
conventional medicine with alternative interventions that help overcome
and compensate for the deficiencies of chemotherapy, radiation, and
surgery.” Traditional medicine — aka chemo and radiation — might still be
used to treat aggressive tumors, but the alternative approach works in
tandem to make tumors more vulnerable to the mainstream treatments,
helping to preserve the immune system and create a better tolerance to
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